Wednesday 16 October 2013

Friday 11 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

1. Science observations due Tuesday

2. Script for the climax of your graphic novel due Tuesday

3. Photo project: take interesting photos of your Thanksgiving weekend. We will be making mini books on Tuesday!

4. Food Drive takes place next week. Go team purple!

5. Check out our Schoology site for discussions and homework reminders.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

les agendas

1. We have created gmail accounts solely for the purpose of submitting assignments and receiving feedback. Students should share gmail address/password with parents. Parents should sign agenda to acknowledge that they've seen this. There will be a planner check tomorrow.

2. Exciting ham sandwich story due tomorrow (be sure to underline the beginning, middle, end, twist in different colours)

3. Dictée and lab reports due now

4. Interview questions (with vous corrections) due tomorrow. Create 5-7 open ended questions for your partner's interview. (In French)

5. All grade 7 students should have their math workbook by now. The cost is $20.

Friday 4 October 2013

Dictée 3

Nous avons tous besoin des mêmes choses pour survivre, peu importe où nous vivons. Nous avons d’abord besoin d’eau et de nourriture. Nous trouvons à manger en chassant, en prenant de la nourriture dans la nature ou en cultivant. Nous avons besoin de nous vêtir. Nous avons besoin de nous loger, c’est-à-dire d’un endroit où nous pouvons nous protéger du froid, de la chaleur, du danger, du vent et de la pluie. Nous avons aussi besoin de projets ou de rêves pour donner un sens à notre vie et garder espoir. Le besoin et le désir sont toutefois deux choses différentes. En réalité, la liste des choses dont nous avons vraiment besoin est très courte. 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Les agendas:

- La bonne copie de "Où se trouve mon trésor" est due demain

- Le plan pour nos expériences de sciences est due demain, mais on a 30 minutes en classe pour le finir

Friday 27 September 2013

Dictée 2

Durant son enfance, Terry adorait les sports. Il voulait être professeur d’éducation physique quand il serait grand. Mais alors qu’il n’avait que 18 ans, les médecins se sont aperçus que Terry avait le cancer des os.

Terry a élaboré un plan. Terry allait lever des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer. Il s’est fixé comme but  de recueillir un dollar pour chaque habitant du Canada. À l’époque, notre pays comptait 24 millions. Terry allait lever les fonds en courant d’un bout à l’autre du Canada.

Friday 21 June 2013

1. Rocky Point field trip is on Tuesday. Thank you to all parents who volunteered to drive. Please be at school at 8:50 on Tuesday morning.

2. Our novel study projects will be presented Monday afternoon, between 1 pm and 1:45 pm. All parents are invited to come.

3. Please bring a garbage bag to school. We will be doing a major desk clean on Wednesday morning, and all school supplies will be going home. 

4. Year-end assembly is 8:45 am on Thursday morning. Dismissal is noon. 

5. Report Cards home Thursday.  

Monday 17 June 2013

1. Cultus lake waterslides tomorrow. Be here no later than 8:10. We will be returning to school at about 3:30. Please bring sunscreen, a hat, a bathing suit, towel, snack/lunch or money, and a change of clothes.

2. Bring shoebox/ diarama materials to school Wednesday if possible.

3. Bring poster board to school Thursday if possible.

4. Rocky Point Permission due Thursday.

5. Science Fair Friday! Parents are invited between 10:45 and 12:00.

6. Novel Study showcase Monday. Parents are invited between 10:45 and 12:00.

Thursday 13 June 2013

1. PE demain

2. Neon Day lundi

3. Cultus Lake Mardi

4. Talent show demain 12:45

5. Novel study.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

1. Elementary band meeting tonight at Westview. All interested grade 5's are welcome.

2. Read, read, read your book for novel study!

3. Neon day is next Monday!

4. Idea for science fair project should be ready for tomorrow.

Monday 10 June 2013

1. Read! Read! Read! Remember to do your reading responses!

2. Pick a question for your science experiment by Thursday

3. Library books are due back

4. Jouer dehors

Friday 7 June 2013

1. Read! Read! Read! Novel study books should be finished by June 14th.

2. Cultus Lake Forms due now.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

1. Cultus Lake forms

2. Tomorrow is the district track meet! Participating students are to meet Mme Pastorek at MRSS under the Laity View tent. Other grade 5's will spend the day with Mme Homeniuk. Meet at her door in the morning. Other grade 4's will spend the day with Mme Ferrier. Meet at her door in the morning. Bonne journee!

3. Grade 5's: Geometry Chapter review due Friday

4. Science posters due Friday

Tuesday 4 June 2013

1. PE et Biblio demain

2. District Track Meet Thursday!

3. Check agenda for overdue items


5. La lecture- nos romans

Monday 3 June 2013

1. Notes about light due tomorrow

2. TROPICAL DAY tomorrow! Wear bright colours, appropriate beach wear, flowers, etc to support team yellow!

3. Cultus lake forms!

4. L'imparfait overdue

5. Train paragraph overdue

6. All library books due back this week!

Friday 31 May 2013

1. Legend is overdue

2. Cultus lake forms

3. "Le train" journal entry due Monday. (*Proof-read and corrected)

4. Reflection/Refraction: explore these words over the weekend

5. L'imparfait booklet due Monday

6. Tropical Day mardi

Thursday 30 May 2013

1. Legends due tomorrow

2. Bring novel study book to school tomorrow

3. Study passe compose

4. PE demain

5. Cultus lake forms

Wednesday 29 May 2013

1. Practice body percussion rhythms

2. Legend due Friday

3. Pick an English novel and bring to school for Friday

4. Bring a transparent cup to school tomorrow

5. YELLOW DAY tomorrow. Support your team colour!

6. Cultus lake forms

Tuesday 28 May 2013

1. Biblio et PE demain

2. Dessin de symetrie due demain

3. Cultus lake forms

4. Yellow day is this Thursday!

Thursday 23 May 2013

1. Think of a few question ideas for your legend.

2. PE demain

3. Cultus lake permission forms

4. Read out loud in French- practice for next MyBook activity!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

1. Cultus lake permission forms

2. Jouer dehors

3. On lit nos livres de biblio!

Thursday 16 May 2013

1. PE demain

2. Twin Day demain

3. Spellathon prize assembly demain

4. Cultus lake permission slip

5. Test au sujet du gouvernement demain

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Student Vote

1. N'oublie pas d'écouter les résultats du "Student Vote" à 8 h ce soir!

Friday 10 May 2013

1. Ligne de temps due lundi

2. Wear your political party's colours on Monday. Be ready to convince us!

3. Socials paragraph overdue

4. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday 9 May 2013

1. La course des autos est demain!

2. Spellathon pledges due tomorrow

3. PE demain

4. Socials paragraph due tomorrow

5. Ligne de temps due lundi

6. Je pratique la musique

Wednesday 8 May 2013

1. Spellathon pledges due Friday. Help support our school's Science and Literacy initiatives.

2. Car race Friday- be ready to finish cars in class tomorrow.

3. Track Day next Tuesday!

4. Twin day Friday, May 17th

5. Socials paragraph due Friday.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

1. Finish research for socials project tonight.

2. Car plan: overdue

3. Car race: Friday

4. Spellathon pledges due Friday

5. Ligne de temps due lundi

6. Biblio et PE demain

Friday 3 May 2013

1. Bring materials to school to build your car. Plan due Monday.

2. Science corrections due Monday

3. Find election news articles, posters, brochures, etc and bring to school next week.

4. Spellathon pledges due May 10th

5. Some people did not bring lined paper to school in September. Please do so now- we are out. Merci!

Thursday 2 May 2013

1. PE demain

2. Spell-a-thon pledges due May 10th

3. Trouve un exemple d'une poulie chez toi

Thursday 25 April 2013

1. Socials booklet  #1 due Monday

    Spell-a-thon lundi. *All pledges due May 10th.

2. Pas d'ecole demain.

3. ACT field trip and Crazy hair day next Wednesday!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

1. Speeches in gym tomorrow at 8:30 am

2. Spell-a-thon French words and challenge words: Monday

3. Find three levers at home. Be ready to share tomorrow.

4. Jouer dehors

5. Spring flower orders due tomorrow

Tuesday 23 April 2013

1. Biblio demain- all students must bring their books to school to renew or exchange.

2. Spell-a-thon test of English words tomorrow. Practice tonight on Spelling City.

3. Speeches will be presented in the gym on Thursday. Congratulations to Lily and Tatiana who will be representing our class!

Friday 19 April 2013

1. PE lundi

2. Spelling City- practice for our Spell-a-thon!

3. Collect pledges for Spell-a-thon. Testing will begin Wednesday, April 24.

4. Monday is Earth day. Aim to walk/bike to school and bring a garbage-free lunch if possible.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

1. Biblio et PE demain

2. Speeches to be presented Thursday

Monday 15 April 2013

1. Spelling City

2. Cartes pour mercredi

3. Le recyclage

4. Kathleen Hatley presentation tomorrow at 8:40

Friday 12 April 2013


Remember to start practicing for our school-wide Spell-a-thon that is taking place in approximately two weeks' time.

All the words are posted on our Spelling City website.

Bonne chance!

Thursday 11 April 2013

1. PE demain

2. Les questions de sciences naturelles due demain

3. Speeches to be presented next Thursday.

4. Spring flower orders

Wednesday 10 April 2013

1. On presente nos discours le 18 et 19 avril!

Monday 8 April 2013

1. Speeches in the gym will begin at 12:40 tomorrow! Bonne chance Genea, Samira, Piper et Blake!

2. Livres de biblio

3. Le recyclage

Friday 5 April 2013

1. Le recyclage

2. Un auteur va nous visiter lundi! Elle s'appelle Nadine Poirier. Voici un de ses livres:

Thursday 4 April 2013

1. Pe demain

2. Speech due tomorrow

3. Les maths: mini quiz demain au sujet des fractions/decimaux

4. Spring flower orders

5. Report card envelopes

Wednesday 3 April 2013

1. Bring clean gargabe/recycling to school this week (for an art project)

2. Think of ways to lower your 'ecological footprint' at home and at school.

3. Discours due vendredi

4. Assemblee demain! 'Les bucherons'

Tuesday 2 April 2013

les devoirs

1. Rough copy of English speech due Friday (including introduction, conclusion, and self- evaluation /24)

2. PE et biblio demain

Friday 15 March 2013

1. Have a safe and relaxing spring break! Play outside!

2. Speech rough copies are due Tuesday, April 2nd.

3. Report card envelopes are due back ASAP.

4. Grade 5: Fire Safety worksheet due Tuesday, April 2nd

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Thank you to all those who helped with today's field trip to the Hammond Cedar Mill. It was a great success!

1. Please return signed report card envelopes to school by Friday

Tuesday 12 March 2013

1. Speech outline due tomorrow

2. Cedar Mill field trip is tomorrow! Please bring good shoes. Please arrive on time.

3. PE demain

Monday 11 March 2013

1. Speech outline due Wednesday

2. Livres de biblio

3. Field Trip Wednesday
Thank you to all those who volunteered to drive our class to the cedar mill on Wednesday.

The following parents have been selected to help with this field trip:

Mrs Charpentier, Ms Bentley, Mrs Hennessey, Mrs Sadler, Ms Scotland, and Mr Goddard

We will be leaving Laity View at approximately 8:40 am and returning just after 10 am.

Students are reminded to wear good shoes for this outing. Merci!

Friday 8 March 2013

1. Movie night tonight!

2. Have speech ideas and research ready for Monday

3. Cedar mill field trip next Wednesday!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

1. Forestry paragraph due vendredi

2.  'My job' paragraph due tomorrow

3. Movie Night Friday

4. Speech semi-finals on Monday!

Friday 1 March 2013

1. Spelling due demain

2. Hammond Cedar Mill field trip forms must be handed in by tomorrow

3. PE et biblio demain

Thursday 28 February 2013

Wednesday 27 February 2013

1. Find 5 ways to be kind to others

2. Friendship booklet due tomorrow

3. ACT field trip tomorrow

4. On presente les discours vendredi. Je pratique mes liaisons


Tuesday 26 February 2013


2. PE et biblio demain

3. Spelling due demain

4. On presente nos discours vendredi


Monday 25 February 2013

1. On presente nos discours vendredi!

2. Spelling due mercredi

3. J'explore les jeux des habitats (wonderful websites)

Friday 22 February 2013

1. Cartes d'index due lundi

2. Spelling due Wednesday

3. Je pratique le flute a bec

Thursday 21 February 2013

1. Les cartes index sont dues lundi

2. Spelling due next Wednesday

3. Hot lunch demain

4. PE demain

5. ACT field trip next Thursday

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Tuesday 19 February 2013

1. Spelling due demain

2. Biblio et PE demain


Monday 18 February 2013

1. Spelling due mercredi

2. J'apporte mes livres de biblio demain

Wednesday 13 February 2013

1. Nutrition projects due tomorrow

2. St Valentine's day tomorrow- wear red or pink

3. *If you are bringing Valentine's day cards, please be sure to bring one for every member of our class.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Le jour de la St. Valentin

Thursday is St Valentine's day! Students who are interested in handing out cards to their classmates were given a class list to put in their agendas. Please ensure that a card is written for every student in the class. Students are encouraged to wear red or pink to school on Thursday.
1. Nutrition project will be collected Thursday

2. Le carnaval: la feuille de recherche est due demain

3. Spelling due demain

4. PE et biblio et assemblee demain

Friday 8 February 2013

1. Je corrige mon discours

2. Spelling booklet due Wednesday

3. Nutrition project (menus, graphs, paragraphs) will be collected next week

4. J'apprecie ma famille

Thursday 7 February 2013

1. Je pratique la chanson de Si-La

2. Spelling booklet

3. PE demain

4. Discours: L'intro et la conclusion due demain

5. Les graphiques sont dues demain

Wednesday 6 February 2013

1. J'apporte un duotang et mon portfolio demain

2. Les graphiques et les menus sont dues vendredi

3. POMMES due demain

4. Spelling booklet due next Wednesday

Tuesday 5 February 2013

1. PE et Biblio demain

2. Menus/Graphs should be finished by Friday

3. Explore the Carnaval website en francais

Monday 4 February 2013

1. Les menus/graphiques

2. Les maths d'aujourd'hui

3. Spelling City demain

Friday 1 February 2013

1. Spelling booklet due Monday

2. 2 graphs due Monday

3. Jouer dehors!

Joyeuse fin de semaine!

Thursday 31 January 2013

1. French speech paragraphs due tomorrow

2. PE demain

3. Recorder forms due back tomorrow- they will be ordered after school.

4. La carte mondiale: due demain

Wednesday 30 January 2013

les devoirs

1. Harris Burdick story rough copy- due tomorrow

2. Speech paragraphs- due Friday

3. La carte mondiale- due vendredi

4. les corrections de maths*

5. Menu rough copies were due today*

Tuesday 29 January 2013

1. PE et biblio demain

2. Menu rough copies due tomorrow

3. Speeches and Harris Burdick due later this week

4. Math test corrections

Monday 28 January 2013

les devoirs

1. Harris Burdick rough copies due Thursday

2. French speech paragraphs due Friday

3. livres de biblio demain

4.Rough copies of menus due Wednesday

Thursday 24 January 2013

Bonne fin de semaine les amis!

* Je vais etre gentil(le) aux autres.

* Je vais jouer dehors

* Je vais recycler

Wednesday 23 January 2013

1. No school Friday.

2. Science brochure is now overdue.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

1. Biblio et PE demain

2. Brochure du corps humain due demain.

3. Dragon paragraph is now overdue.

4. Remember to fill out your nutrition booklet after every meal!

Monday 21 January 2013

1. J'apporte mes livres de biblio demain.

2. Science brochure due Wednesday

3. Les livrets de la nutrition.

Thursday 17 January 2013

1. Quest de maths demain (la multiplication et la division)

2. 1st paragraph of speech (self-corrected) due tomorrow

3. Jersey day et Hot Lunch demain

4. Jouer dehors

Wednesday 16 January 2013

1. Les maths: 5e- p. 114-115 jusqu'à #18

2. Paragraphe #1 du discours: due vendredi

3. Multiplication/Division test Friday- be sure to practice!

4. Science Brochure: due next Wednesday. Two pages should already be completed

Tuesday 15 January 2013

1. Nutrition booklet: Must be filled out after every meal and snack

2. La grammaire: la feuille de 'ER'

3. Harris Burdick plan is overdue

4. PE et biblio demain

Monday 14 January 2013

1. Harris Burdick storyboard due tomorrow.

2. Livres de biblio pour demain

3. Jersey day this Friday! If possible, bring a donation to support kids sports in Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows.

4. Multiplication practice

5. Speech outlines are now overdue.

Friday 11 January 2013

les devoirs

1. Quiz lundi: verbes avoir et etre (study booklet p. 1 and 2)

2. Speech outline sheet is due Monday. All details and examples should be present

3. Practice multiplication and division... quiz coming next week

4. Jouer dehors!

Thursday 10 January 2013

1. Quiz de grammaire lundi. Study verb booklet 'etre' et 'avoir'

2. Discours: speech outline/details due Monday.

3. PE demain

Wednesday 9 January 2013

les devoirs

1. Finis la recherche pour mon discours (speech research)

2. Practice times tables ***

Tuesday 8 January 2013

1. Start doing research for my speech- bring to school if possible

2. PE et biblio demain

3. New Year's resolution

Brochure Project

Le corps humain : une brochure
Page titre
-        le titre
-        ton nom
-        les 3 systèmes
-        une illustration
Système 1
-        un titre
-        une explication (5 faits)
-        une illustration
-        l’identification des parties importantes
Système 2
-        un titre
-        une explication (5 faits)
-        une illustration
-        l’identification des parties importantes
Système 3
-        un titre
-        une explication (5 faits)
-        une illustration
-        l’identification des parties importantes
Faits intéressants
Un jeu
-        un point pour chaque fait trouvé (maximum de 5 points)
-        sois créatif- crée un labyrinthe, un jeu de mots cachés, un quiz…
Les liens
-        trouve les liens entre les systèmes différents du corps 
-        la brochure est coloriée
-        la brochure était complétée à la date de remise
-        l’imagination est présente 

Total :    /62