Thursday 20 December 2012

1. PE demain

2. Je finis l'histoire pour mon petit ami.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

1. Please bring your signed report card envelope to school by tomorrow.

2. Christmas Sing-along in the gym tomorrow at 11am!

3. Thank you to all those who helped with yesterday's field trip. It is much appreciated!

* If you are going to be absent tomorrow, please make arrangements to pick up your story book so that it can be finished for Friday. It is a gift for our little buddies and must be completed. Merci!

Monday 17 December 2012

les devoirs

1. Please bring report card envelopes to school ASAP.

2. Our skating field trip is tomorrow! We will be leaving school at 12:45 pm and returning at approximately 2:15 pm. Thank you to the following drivers: Ms. Milne, Mrs O'Neil, Mr Hennessey, Mrs Reaume, Mrs Daykin, Mrs Charpentier, Mr Tokay, Mrs Gundarera, Mrs Mattis. *Please remember to bring your skates and helmet to school tomorrow (if you are not renting).

3. French story rough draft due demain

4. Spelling City assignments due demain

5. Livres de biblio


Comment est-ce que l’exercice change notre respiration et notre pouls? Mesure ton pouls après plusieurs situations (un sport, le someil...) Écris tes commentaires dans ton duotang de sciences naturelles.

Friday 14 December 2012

les devoirs

1. Spelling City practice

2. Multiplication practice (see link below)

3. PE lundi

4. Bring portofolios and signed report card envelopes to school ASAP.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Skating Field Trip

Our skating field trip is just around the corner! Thank you to the following parents who will be driving next Tuesday:

1. Mrs Daykin (3)
2. Mr Hennessey (5)
3. Ms. Milne (3)
4. Mrs O'Neil (3)
5. Mrs Reaume (5)
6. Mrs Mattis (3)
7. Mrs Gundarera (3)
8. Mrs Charpentier (1)
9. Mr Tokay (1)

Please meet in room 1046 at 12:40 pm.

*We are still missing two permission forms. Please have those in ASAP. Thanks!

Wednesday 12 December 2012


Roald Dahl Day is tomorrow!! Come dressed as your favourite Roald Dahl character. Be prepared to present your project first thing in the morning and don't forget to study up for our ultimate Roald Dahl quiz game! It should be a scrumdidiliumptious day...

Tuesday 11 December 2012

1. Skating permission forms are due tomorrow. We are still missing over half.

2. Concert tomorrow: please bring a coloured shirt and black pants if possible. Food donations will be accepted as admission to the concert.

3. Please bring any spare mittens, socks, touques, and pennies for our donation bins.

4. Roald Dahl day is Thursday! Projects to be presented in the morning.

5. Spelling city assignments

la multiplication 

Monday 10 December 2012

Our class was FABULOUS in the Christmas concert dress rehearsal today. Bravo! Concert begins tomorrow and Wednesday at 12:45. Please remember to wear a coloured shirt and black pants if possible. (No logos please).

1. Je pratique pour le concert de noel.

2. Roald Dahl projects are due Thursday.

3. Spelling city assignments due tomorrow.

4. livres de biblio due demain

5. Skating forms

Friday 7 December 2012

1. Wear a bright shirt (no logos) and dark (black) pants for Monday.

2. Roald Dahl day is next Thursday! All books should be returned by Monday.

3. Dress rehearsal Monday! Concert Tuesday and Wednesday!

4. Skating permission slip

5. Spelling City

Thursday 6 December 2012

1. Tomorrow is SUPERHERO DAY! If you don't have a cape, try tying a towel around your shoulders. Be creative! Go team yellow!

2. Please bring skating permission slips to school as soon as possible.

3. Roald Dahl day is next Thursday! Think of what character you'd like to dress as...

Wednesday 5 December 2012

1. Je pratique les chansons et la danse de noel

2. Roald Dahl day is Thursday, December 13th! Projects due this day.

3. Spelling City assignments

4. Penny Drive/ Kraft Food for Families

5. Superhero day is this Friday

6. Skating permission form

Tuesday 4 December 2012

1. Je pratique les chansons et la danse de noel ****

2. Les maths: due demain

3. PE et Biblio demain

4. Spelling City assignments

5. Skating newsletter